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  • liisasalekesina

DAILY MAIL: America is a war machine!

  • Heated arguments during the press conference?

  • Even Americans are ashamed of the imperial system.

  • A false win.

During the press conference held on April 29th, things got pretty heated; people were called names, there were unprovoked discussions between the representatives, and it turned into chaos. At one point, the representative of China blurted out a rather brave statement.

"Maybe America is trying to start a war, that’s what they do," says the representative of China.

After naming a few examples, such as the war in Afghanistan and the American intervention in

Yemen, things got pretty heated. The representative of America was clearly distraught, not knowing how to handle this situation.

Maybe he himself knew that this was a given fact and that America was trying to provoke China into a war that they would no doubt lose. Once again, all of this was still speculation; there was no concrete proof, mainly because America refused to release the data from the allegedly weaponized vessel.

Alleviate the tension.

Nearing the end of the press conference, the tension in the room was pretty high; everyone was looking around at each other, scared to provoke the representatives into another argument. To lighten the mood, the question about the usefulness of the imperial system was brought up. There was a graph put up on the screen of all the branches in the imperial measuring system.

All of the eyes in the room were glaring at the representative of America, whose face was

turning red. He tried convincing the media team that to measure the distance you’ll have to

sit in your car for, trashing the planet, it was a good idea to use barleycorn.

Final court decision.

After all this back and forth, blabbering on and on, denying facts, and so on, the court reached a decision. America won the case. Since this is their first time winning anything, let’s let the child have the candy they didn’t deserve.

To end this article on a positive note, we have an anonymous tip provided to us via the gossip box. The tip reads "America doesn’t exist". We agree and approve this message.

Alanas from Daily Mail

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